Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Small changes

Sorry I've been a bit slack with my blog. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing interesting to say, so I don't say anything. But I don't want to get out of the habit of blogging so must make an effort. I think not blogging has been a part of my downfall in the past.

Day 37. Who would have thought?! When I got to day 42 last time, I'm pretty sure I was thinking about drinking again by this stage. Not this time though! The great thing about Belle's 100 day challenge is that it is a good long stretch, but it is not forever (which I have trouble getting my head around, even now). It is long enough to hopefully retrain my brain about how I think about drinking, and maybe, just maybe, long enough to make me WANT to stop drinking forever. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy not drinking today and not think too far ahead. I just know that I am not going to drink for 100 days. And that is enough for now.

I have never been a morning person. I have been a troubled sleeper all my life, so I have always loved sleeping in. When the little guy came along however, sleep-ins became a thing of the past. Unfortunately, my drinking became worse, which meant more hangovers, being even more tired and feeling like hell a lot of the time. When school started, I got into the habit of dropping little guy off at school then coming home and going back to bed and sleeping for a few hours. Of course, I felt really embarrassed and ashamed that I did this, but it was necessary if I wanted to feel half normal for the rest of the day.

I thought when I stopped drinking all this would change. I thought I would wake up feeling refreshed and with oodles of energy, but this hasn't happened! I still wake up tired, with no energy, and I just want to go back to sleep! But something has changed though. I still wake up tired, get the little guy ready for school, drop him off and come home with the intention of having a little nap. But I don't! By the time I get home, I think to myself 'I'm awake now, I may as well stay up and start the day'. So I make myself some toast, bring the laptop into the lounge room, put the tv on to the morning shows, and read all my sober blogs. It has become my little ritual, and I love it! I have to work this afternoon and woke up feeling really tired this morning. I thought I should go back to bed because it's a long day (I start work at 1pm and work through till 9.30pm and usually don't get home till 10 or so) but even today, I chose to stay up and do my little ritual. It's become more important to me than sleep. Who would have thought?!

So, small changes. But changes nonetheless. I guess it's a slow process. But I have to remember that years and years of drinking can't be undone overnight. It will take time. But it will be worth it. I know it will. A wise woman (you know who you are) once said to me 'wait for the magic to happen' and that is what I am doing. I am waiting for the magic to happen. I just have to be patient.

Have a great day my friends.

A x


  1. Angie,
    This is a wonderful observation.
    A healthy ritual is important.
    Having coffee reading sober blogs is a nice thing!
    Happy Day 37!

    1. Thanks Wendy,
      Although I don't drink tea or coffee. My caffeine drink of choice is diet coke. This will be the next thing to give up. Think it might be harder to give up than booze because I drink it all day long!!
      A x

  2. Why do you have to give it up? There is nothing wrong with some diet coke (or coffee, tea, etc). Sometimes I think we all feel we need to love on grass, meditate and do good works all the time for health of we are sober.
    Rubbish! Diet coke is great.

    Anyway, awesome on day 37. I lie, your ritual. Nice way to start the say.
    And the tiredness will improve. I expected to have tons of energy. When I didn't I was disappointed, but I think some of that is healing and perhaps learning to listen to your body and be kind to it. Which you obviously are doing!

    The fatigue will pass.

    And I still say magnesium before bed for everyone. It helps with everything!

    1. Hi Anne,
      I drink way too much diet coke. It's the caffeine and artificial sweeteners that worry me. Apparently Aspartame is really bad for you.
      I started taking Magnesium a few weeks ago and it's helping me sleep better. Still waking up tired though, but I have low iron so maybe that;s why.
      Anyway, hopefully I will start to feel less tired soon.
      Thanks for your comment. They always make my day!
      A x

  3. Low iron might be it. Do you eat spinach? Aspartame is much worse than sugar. Switch to regular coke? If you drink coke all day long, you are over-caffenate yourself. Thus trouble sleeping. I try to limit my coffee intake to three cups a day, and only in the morning. Be kind to your body. Day 37 is pure awesomness. I've never been able to reach that far. Hopefully Belle's challenge will help.

    1. I want to give up coke altogether. It's just hard when I don't drink tea or coffee and no wine now of course. I get so sick of water! I know the caffeine and sweetener is reeking havok with my body :(
      A x

  4. It does add up ... Your love of coke and lack of sleep maybe that's the answer I'm afraid!! I remember the days drinking vodka and diet coke all night. With the alcohol and coke how much sleep do you think I got? Not a lot!!! You're doing brilliant by the way 😊

    1. You are right of course. The diet coke isn't helping me at all. I will think about stopping it soon, just not yet. I've got to drink something!!
      A x
