Wednesday 18 May 2016

12 months on

Twelve months ago today I started my first 100 day challenge.  At the time, 100 days seemed impossible to me, but I knew I just had to try it. Prior to that, I had tried desperately to stay sober but just couldn't make it stick. In January that same year, I managed 24 days, February 23 days, March a dismal 7 days, April 25 days and by May, I was just sick and tired of going back to drinking each time. So I took the bull by the horns and signed up for Belle's 100 day challenge.

For some reason making that pledge to Belle, and to myself, worked. I didn't drink for 102 days and I loved every minute of it. I'm not saying it was easy, because I certainly had my moments of cravings, but like I said, making that pledge made a huge difference.

I told Mr A a week or so in that I wasn't drinking for 100 days. By then he was used to me stopping and starting so wasn't so surprised and was very supportive. I told a couple of my friends, and they too were supportive. My friend C, who I write about a fair bit, was supportive, but she didn't really get it. She would offer me drinks when we went out, or say, just have one or two. So I had to be firm and stick to my guns, even though I saw the disappointment in her eyes. Now it seems to have sunk in. She has asked me a couple of times if I will ever drink again and I just tell her I'm not sure, but probably not. I'm not sure why I can't be 100% honest with her. Maybe a part of me is scared that she won't want to hang out with me anymore. Silly and juvenile I know, but I can't help it. But I am getting there, and I think she is getting used to it too. We'll go out and she has her wine or champagne and I will have my diet coke. And it's fine. I am sure glad that it's not me the next day with a sore head!!

Last year though, I made the mistake of telling her when the 100 days were going to be up, and I think that was my mistake. She kept asking me what day I was up to and when was my time going to be up. The day after the 100th day our boys had their school disco. So she and her hubby came around prior with a bottle of champagne to celebrate. And what did I do? I celebrated my 102 days of sobriety by drinking champagne!! I don't blame them though. I think in my heart I wanted to try moderating again and really thought I could do it.  We finished off the bottle before we went to the disco, then we came back to our place and polished off a bottle of wine between us. So that was the start of me trying to moderate. A big fat failure!

Following on from that, I only managed a handful of sober days in September, NONE in October and by November I had had enough again.

My last drink was on November 22nd 2016. Today is day 178. Nearly 6 months. And I am in a much better place this time. The thought of never drinking again used to terrify me. I would think of future special occasions and holidays and couldn't imagine them without my beloved wine or champagne. But this time I decided not to think in terms of forever. I decided to take the advice of those who had gone before me and advised to take it 'one day at a time'. It really works. And before you know it, you string enough days together that you don't want to go back to those miserable days of hangovers and shame.

Anything is possible. I never would have imagined it, but it really is. Anne from Ainsobriety told me once to wait for the magic to happen. I never got to that place before, and I am not there 100% yet, but I am getting there. I have come too far now to go back. I want the magic to happen and I am determined to get there.

Friday is day 180 and I am planning on going to my first meeting. It's time I really start working a program and dealing with my past. I am terrified of going but I am going to go. So, wish me luck!

A x


  1. Hey Angie! Congratulations on your decision to go to a meeting. I can't wait to hear about it. I hope you find some new IRL sober connections!

    1. Thanks Ripley, I really hope I don't chicken out! It's not my local meeting but I thought it would be a good first one. We'll see! A x

  2. I am happy for your success, well done! I am also thinking of starting meetings. I am nervous as anything but I think it is the next step for me.

    1. Thanks Daniella, it's scary isn't it? But I think it will make us stronger if we go. I will let you know how I go. A x

  3. Oh wow, that is so inspiring. You are going so well. 6 months and going to a meeting. You will definitely make it this time. I did Belles challenge too, made 129 days then drank and have had a lot more stopping and starting. I do feel different this time though. I want to get to the magical part too. Good for you for sticking to your plan, and I'm sure your friend wont mind. My friends are the same, they don't get it, how could they, they only have one or two, its easy for them. Let us know how you go at the meeting. I have thought about it but am too scared of seeing someone I know.

    1. Thanks Pdtg, 129 days is awesome. But alcohol is a powerful drug, it can get you any time. We just have to be ready next time. We can do it! A x

  4. You have done amazingly well and I hope the meetings bring a little extra something great to your sobriety.

    1. Thanks IH, I hope it makes a difference and takes me to a deeper level. Fingers crossed I have the courage to go! A x

  5. Angie, that's great - please let us all know how the meeting goes. It's so interesting to read this at the stage I'm at right now. I'm sure I'd have done exactly what you did to celebrate getting to 100 days.. anyway, many congrats on your approaching 6 months!! Red xx

    1. Thanks Red, let's hope you can learn from me and not make the same mistake I did. We just have to stay strong. A x

  6. Hi Angie. I find meetings and 12-steps to stay sober. I find it works for me. I thought it would turn me into a cult member, or robot. But the opposite has happened. I'm more me than I've ever been. Best of luck to you. Hope to hear more about it!

    1. Thanks Mark, I have heard mainly good things about 12 step meetings. I am very nervous! And the thought of working through the steps is scary too, but if I don't go, I will never know if it's for me or not. A x

  7. I love that you are doing so well Angie. Your warmth comes out in everything you write and I feel you becoming more positive and I know your magic will emerge. Good luck with the meetings, I like what Blog says about cult member or robot. That is what I fear with meetings and now I may reconsider. Keep us posted.

    1. Thanks Ginger, that's lovely of you to say. It gives me hope that my confidence is growing and that I am getting somewhere on a personal level at last. It's taken me a while to get here! I will let you know how I go. A x

  8. Your post is just what I needed! I am in that "cocky" zone at 101 days. I don't plan to go back to drinking...but I see that it could happen! I don't want to get too complacent! I gave myself one day of complacency yday in my day 100. I am looking forward to hearing about your meeting. I've always been curious about going to a meeting for the first time when you have already quit. Xo

    1. Thanks SA53, I'm glad you have all asked me to tell you what the meeting is like because now I can't chicken out! I have a responsibility! I think last year I got a bit complacent, but the main thing was that I didn't put the work in. I loved being sober but it was all a bit too hard. So I'm aware of that this time, which is why I thought going to a meeting will help. A x

  9. This was perfect for me too today. While I had lots of short times AF, I only made it 14 days once. Before that never that long. I went back to drinking and couldn't moderate. I was definitely in a different place though. Because of that I still hear that whisper saying "once you get to 100"....I hope don't want to at that point. I think I'm pretty committed now to at least that number but I worry about when I get there! This post is a great reminder that many others have tried and said it doesn't work when we came from the place we all have.

    1. I'm glad my post helps other people. I truly think that each time to you stop you get a bit stronger. It's not ideal stopping and starting again, but I think you learn something each time. So you will get there. You just have to stay strong. And I do too! Which is why I'm going to go to the meeting. A x

  10. Hi Angie! So good to read this. I didn't realize, but my pattern was so similar to yours. I love that you're going to try out AA. Finding a program is a great plan. For me, it's my 3rd long stint of being sober and I am finally realizing that the personal growth part is important. I'll look forward to hearing how the meeting goes. I'm so pleased that you're doing so well! xo

    1. Yes that's it isn't it? The personal growth is vital in order to stay sober. That's what I missed last year. I'm hoping to get a lot out of the meeting. You are doing so well Thirsty. Do you think you will ever go to a meeting? A x

  11. Hi Angie!
    Belle's 100 day challenge helped me too!
    I am happy, happy for you. I know how this has been for you.

    1. Thanks Wendy. Belle's 100 day challenge was a life saver for me, and for many others too. Tomorrow is day 180 for me! Then my next goal is one year! A x

  12. Good luck at the meeting Angie. I've had a bit of a setback in the last couple of days and trying to find my way forward so your post was just what i needed. Thank you JB xo

    1. Keep trying JB, it is so worth it. The meeting is tomorrow at lunch time. I am very nervous!! A x
